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Get Involved

Help Us Educate, Inspire, and Empower

The New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program is made possible through generous and ongoing support from the International Women’s Forum of New Mexico, the state of New Mexico, select New Mexico businesses, and individuals.

Our sponsors enable us to inspire the next generation of young people through awareness, curriculum, and opportunities to continue the legacy of women artist, activists, entrepreneurs, healers, judges, lawyers, physicians, pioneers, politicians, scientists, and community leaders who have helped make New Mexico the land of Enchantment.

Eve Ball, far right, speaking to three of the Mescalero/Lipan tribal elders: (l-r) Percy Bigmouth; Old Scout Bigmouth and Crookneck, c. 1950. Old Scout served in the Geronimo campaigns and was about 100 at this time. Photo courtesy of Lynda A. Sanchez.
You can help bring the power of women’s history to communities today and inspire positive change. Your contribution will help sustain and grow core elements of our program:
  • Celebrating the often unrecognized contributions of women in our multicultural history
  • Inspiring the next generation to leave a positive legacy through K-12 curriculum, library exhibits, presentations, and other tools for teaching about women in New Mexico history
  • Spreading the word about women in New Mexico history through our website, social media, printed materials, digital and print press coverage, speaking engagements, and special events, including marker dedication ceremonies
  • Expanding our historic photo library and developing video documentaries for public distribution
  • Conducting and sharing research on the history of women in New Mexico

New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program Partners 

Our work would not be possible without the generous financial support and active involvement of our Partners and Volunteers. Our heartfelt thanks to:

Artisan Minds Logo
Artisan Minds Logo
Artisan Minds Logo
Cultural Properties Review Committee, Anne Staveley Photography; Marty & Rodney Wilson, bookmark sponsors; Julia and Randy Sulsar, photography and videography; Brenda Robillard, editing and research.
Artisan Minds Logo

Nicole Rassmuson designed the logo, brand identity, and website for the New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program in 2016. Over the past decade as creative director, she has created and shaped the look and feel of the program through a variety of print and digital artwork, including advertisements, articles, bookmarks, brochures, business cards, postcards, posters, presentations, social media, and the updated Marker Program website.

We look for unique opportunities to work with other nonprofits, corporations, and small businesses to bring visibility to women in New Mexico while supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives for organizations throughout New Mexico. Please contact us for more information about partnering with the New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program.

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